We have an on premise OpenStack cluster, with distributed storage based on Ceph.The OpenStack@ISTI dashboard is reachable at All the pre-authorized ISTI users have access from default to the LAB-cloud project (where LAB is the ISTI laboratory user belong to).
Virtual Machines Management using the dashboard
The OpenStack dashboard is available at ISTI at the following URL:
Launch an instance (which means Create Instance)
- From the Compute menu, select Instances
- Press Launch Instance
- Fill the following section
Details Write the instance name (it's actually a prefix if more than one instance is being lauched), no spaces are allowed Choose the number of instances to launch
Select Image as boot source if you don't have the necessity to boot from a existing snapshot Choose the Volume size Select Yes for Delete Volume on Instance Delete Select the chosen operating system image
Select the flavor of the VM. When launching more than one instance, every instance will have the same flavor (and the same OS)
Select the PROJECT-main Network The public IP addresses can be assigned later
Network ports
Not used by us
Security groups
@ISTI The default one opens
ssh from the VPN gateways and using the proxy jump configuration. http and https from the load balancers only port 8100 from the proxy jump host (this is the port we use for the tomcat debugging service) port 9100 from the prometheus server (node exporter)
Key Pair
Select your key pair. You can create or import one if it's not present already
Server groups
They can optionally be used to equally distribute the VMs on the hypervisor. They must be created in advance, from the Compute -> Server Groups menu
Scheduler hints
Not used by us
Not used by us
==> Now press Launch Instance , you'll be redirected to the instances page
Public Ip addresses (Floating IP)
You can now add a public IP address to your instances using the Associate Floating IP item of the menu associated to the VM.
Important : in the ISTI infrastructure, you can associate a FQDN to the floating IP address.
You have to add the hostname and the domain (ending with a .) in the form used to allocate the floating IP addresses.
Note that the operation gives back an error, but the operation still completes successfully.
If you are unsure about the domain name, you can find it in the DNS -> Zones menu.